
The UK XFEL Conceptual Design and Options Analysis group have a series of events planned across the UK. These events are free to attend and open to research facilities, universities and industry. 

Upcoming events  

Engineering biology, genomics and healthcare. Hosted by Diamond Light Source 

29-30th July 2024 , Royal Society, London 

Click to book your free tickets

Electronics, photonics and quantum technologies Agenda 

8-9th August 2024, Royce Institute, Manchester

Click to book your free tickets

Advanced materials and manufacturing 

17-18th September 2024, Cardiff University, Wales

Click to book your free tickets


Past events

Launch at the Royal SocietyTalks available here (Opens in new tab)

18 May 2023 – Ion Beams at UK XFEL workshop – University of Manchester.

20 June 2023 – Frontiers of measurement technology – Queens University Belfast.

2-3 October 2023Materials, chemistry and biology at extreme conditions – University of Strathclyde.

27 November 2023 – The Impact of XFELs on Catalysis – Rutherford Appleton Laboratory.

18-19 January 2024Fundamental Physics, Quantum Computing and AI – University of Plymouth.

4-5th June 2024 – Energy, Environmental and Climate Technologies – University of Sheffield